I am undergraduate IT student, Web Developer, UI/UX Designer and Open Source Contributer. I'm Linux Enthusiast been using ArchLinux since past 5 years. Currently I'm working as Backend Developer using Spring Boot.
AmazingFact: I have created awesome config for AwesomeWM 😂
Download ResumeHeya, So this are my skills bar, which i'm on working till. I am also learning some other technologies which i haven't mentioned here. Go to my github accout for latest updates:
micro-hawkWe work endlessly to satisfy your needs and are eager to help you convert your imaginations into reality. We are the mediums that pave the way for you to be digitalized.
Algo-Visualizer is web App developed using Javascript, provide real time visualization of sorting of data. Developed to analyze and demonstrate the efficiency of sorting algorithms, provide options to run sorting on sorted, unsorted and partially-sorted data.
Awesome WM is open source Linux window manager which is used for tiling the window with minimal GUI and animations.
ATM Simulator is just a replica of netbanking used by bank servers without mediation of Bank.
A tour web app for booking travels, hotels rooms, restaurants and maps.
Whiteboard for collaborate visually over distance in real time. Currently only available for localhost.
Web design encompasses many different skills and disciplines in the production and maintenance of websites.
The UI/UX Design Specialization brings a design-centric approach to user interface and user experience design.
App design combines the user interface - UI and user experience - UX. Mobile app design is the task of designing mobile applications.